Photographer Lost In China Town Yokohama
How many years have I struggled to obtain fame, fortune, and immortality? Lord, I’d need to grow another ten fingers and ten toes. And where am I today? Ensconced in my tiny apartment and still dreaming. But taking photos adds color and variety to my life. And if someone happens to say, “Hey, I like your photos.” I am floating on air, happy as punch, and, (hmm. I’ve run out of cliches) Please, pour yourself a glass of wine, sit back and enjoy the ambiance of a photo exhibition.

My photos fail to capture the exuberance of China Town as enthusiastically as Louis Armstrong’s recording of China Town, My China Town in 1931.

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One Reply to “Photographer Lost In China Town Yokohama”
For the last few days I have been enjoying your two Chinatown photo exhibitions. Two? Yes!
In the first online exhibition I was matching your photos against your literary reflections over an aging writer’s existential dilemmas.
In the second exhibition, I found myself surrounded by Louis Armstrong’s music and the same photos. And a musical argument between saxophone and trumpet made your photos looking so very differently, Kermit.
Being myself a writer and a field photographer, I am really really looking forward for your offline expert hibition. Exhibition that could combine y/our Yokohama Chinatown’s photographic memories with a live musical argument between Japanese traditional bamboo flute and shamizen.
Thank you for your inspiration, Kermit.
Ignacy Marek Kaminski (aka
Joseph Polack)