Voice Crying Out in the Desert

Voice Crying Out in the Desert

Ah, yes! Photography is a hobby of mine. Taking photos is an outlet for my creative urges. I enjoy manipulating them into reasonable facsimiles of photographic art. Yes, I admit. Photo editing software gave me the tools to make up for my lack of natural photographic talent and skills. But there is a plus side.  Since taking photos, I’ve become more conscious of lines, colors, lighting and background. My teacher? Trial and error. Trial and error. With each endeavor, I honed in on my editing skills with the hope that someday my dream for fame, fortune and immortality as a photo-artist will become a reality.

Lines and Patterns in perfect alignment

If only I had the eye of an architect, I could build a more orderly society. But if I did, what would happen to those who are less orderly?

Nature’s fiery artistic canvass.

Creating something alive and eye-dazzling as nature creates with the changing of the seasons goes beyond my limited human capabilities.

Plants in conversation

Look at the colors! My, goodness, I could add only a few editing touches to this photograph. Nature insisted I restrain my urges to add anything more.

Photographer drawn into the flower blossoms

The photographer is attempting what I am struggling to do. Capture nature through the lens of the camera.

View across the Canal

Colors attract me, especially those illuminated by natural light. This shot I took on the way home from Yokohama Station. I love the color red!

The eye in the wall

Not everything in nature is the color red. I found this fascinating sight when I was climbing up a long flight of stairs to the top of a hill.  The ‘eye’ attracted me. Was it looking at me?

Message from Mariko

Inanimate objects attract my attention as I walk with no particular destination in mind. The name ‘Mariko’ reminded me of my editor during my report writing days. She has gone away into the foggy memory of my mind. Ah, where does the time go?

Mannequins sharing stories of people gawking at them

I am not good at taking photos of real-life human beings. Mannequins provide me with a safe, less stressful photo session with real people.

The kiss in the night

But one night while I was walking along the seashore I came across a young couple. They didn’t notice me, They were so enamored with one another. I hesitated at first to record a very intimate moment. But I gave in. I took the shot and quickly scurried away, as though I was a thief stealing a precious moment.

Memories fading into the mist of dementia

I know I am closer to the end than to the beginning. Memories become blurred, but with each photo I take I leave a footprint of where I’ve been. Someday a person will discover the photos and say, “Ah, here was a person who was observant of life around him.
















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