Excerpts from The Dead Enjoy Eating, Too (2)
In the early 1970s, applying for a job was as challenging as it is today. Moving back to live with my father was a matter of economic necessity. Like many in my generation, I believed once I got my MA degree, I could write my own ticket to a successful and secure career …
Excerpts from The Dead Enjoy Eating, Too (1)
Rejection Letters The scene takes place in the late 1970s in Yokohama, Japan. In those days, mail carriers delivered rejection letters by hand. 1 My name is Charles Borromeo, and I have lived in Japan for over fifty years. I’m 80 years old, and in a short time, I will die in a country whose …
More Fading Memories of Hong Kong
Some scenes of Hong Kong fading into memory when development reaches Tai Po Market. So different from Hong Kong Central with its high rises and paved streets. And with people dressed up to the nines and sitting in high-priced restaurants eating the same dishes you can eat for dollars less in Tai Po. One good …
Hong Kong Memories
I visited my daughter and her family in Hong Kong at the end of May. My granddaughter graduated from High School and I went to celebrate with the family. I slept in my grandaughter’s room. She had a lovely view from the bed. Each morning I woke up and walked to the veranda overlooking the …
Nighttime Conversations
When I take my nightly walks, I never know who or what I will encounter. One summer evening years ago I was taking photos from the rooftop of the Sogo Department Store. The sound of women’s voices distracted me from Yokohama’s cityscape. The chattering was earsplitting. The following is a loose translation of their conversational …
St. Patrick Parade Moments
Yokohama Seaside Views
I have lived in Yokohama for over 50 years. I am in my eighties, and in a short time, I shall die in a country whose language I never mastered. (excerpt from The Dead Enjoy Eating, Too (2023)) In the early 1960s, I dreamed of moving to Europe to follow in the footsteps of the …
Retrospective Photo Art Exhibition
Cruising and Night Scenes
My daily walks take me into different neighborhoods throughout Yokohama. I prefer walking in the back streets where older dilapidated houses sit among high end homes and condominiums. The houses are ready for demolition. I can hear the faint voices of former homeowners. But I move on, not wanting to eavesdrop on family memories. At …